In chapter 11, John gave us an account of the witnesses of Jesus, the Word of God, from the time it was all completed and brought into one volume, to the time it was restored to the Lord’s people after lying dead (in dead languages) for 1260 years (chapter 11). In chapter 12, he gave us an account of the church in the wilderness (during the time the Bible was not used as a measure) for 1260 years. Now, he gives us a perfect view of the power that put down the Word of God and drove the church into the wilderness. He speaks of the power that was to wear out the saints, war against the Word of God, blaspheme the God of heaven, the tabernacle (church) and them that dwell therein, and compel the world to worship him.
The word “sea” is a symbol of the religious or Christian world. He sees a beast rise up out of the sea. This beast comes up out of the religious part of humanity. This beast is a kingdom. We know this for certain because the seventh chapter of Daniel says it was. This beast has the same number of heads and horns as the red dragon that made war on the woman, chapter 12. But the red dragon gave his seat (ROME) and power (OF THE SWORD) and great authority (OF THE CAESARS) to the beast that came up out of the religious world. This second beast is spotted. It is both political and religious. He has the three-fold appearance of the leopard, bear and lion. He is characterized by strength, thirst for blood, destructiveness.
This beast is the last part of the Roman Empire that drew the third part of the stars of heaven (illustrious men of the church) and cast them down to the earth (worldliness) again. It is the Papal power that grew up out of the Pagan form of Roman Government. Proof of this is: the dragon gave him his seat, power and authority. Now let us sum it up: the two witnesses lay dead (in dead languages) 1260 years. The woman was in the wilderness 1260 years. The measuring rod was not used for 1260 years. This beast had power to blaspheme and persecute for 1260 years.
The very constitution of the Catholic Church proves its Pagan origin and nature. Most of the doctrines and practices of present day Catholics are little more than a revamping of ancient heathenism.
The beast exists now. Many honest Christians who are now involved with it will soon learn the facts about it. God says “come out of her my people”. It has characteristics of the four beasts (nations) which existed before it. Let’s take a look at them.
The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. Rev. 13:2
What nations are these? The Bible tells us who they are.
The four great beasts are four kingdoms that will rise from the earth. Daniel 7:17
These are the four world empires, ruling consecutively from the time of Daniel down to the time of the fall of Rome. They are Babylon (605 – 538 B.C.), Medo Persia (538 – 331 B.C.), Greece (331 – 168 B.C.), and Rome (168 – 476 A.D.). For a more complete picture Danial said:
In my vision at night I looked, and there before me were the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea. Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of the sea. The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a man, and the heart of a man was given to it. And there before me was a second beast, which looked like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up and eat your fill of flesh!’ After that, I looked, and there before me was another beast, one that looked like a leopard. And on its back it had four wings like those of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given authority to rule. After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast-terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns. While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth that spoke boastfully. Daniel 7:2-8
Wow! What a picture:
Babylon which is represented by the two-winged lion, ruled the world when Daniel was alive. Today, in the ruins of ancient Babylon can still be seen broken statues of lions with two wings. The lion was a fit symbol of Babylon. The two wings tell us of the swiftness in which the “golden kingdom” conquered the civilized world of that time. The rulers of ancient Babylon claimed worship from its subjects. So also does Rome demand worship from its followers.
What about the next Kingdom? The history of how Medo Persia conquered Babylon is laid out in book 6 chapter 32 of Cyclopedia Universal History. Medo Persia took over on that terrible night when King Belshazzar, the last king of Babylon, half drunk, threw a party for a thousand of his lords and drank from the sacred vessels from the temple of God. That was the last straw. Belshazzar’s knees knocked together in fear as he watched a bloodless hand trace his doom upon the palace wall. Here is the description of that fearful night:
King Belshazzar gave a great banquet for a thousand of his nobles and drank wine with them. While Belshazzar was drinking his wine, he gave orders to bring in the gold and silver goblets that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken from the temple in Jerusalem, so that the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines might drink from them. So they brought in the gold goblets that had been taken from the temple of God in Jerusalem, and the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines drank from them. As they drank the wine, they praised the gods of gold and silver, of bronze, iron, wood and stone. Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall, near the lampstand in the royal palace. The king watched the hand as it wrote. Daniel 5:1-5
Old Belshazzar is paralyzed with fear. He calls in all the “astrologers, the Chaldeans, and sooth-sayers,” but they’re no help. Finally, the queen suggests that Daniel be called in. The corrupt king isn’t ignorant of the fact that he had shown himself able to interpret dreams and solve mysteries because the God of heaven is with him. But Belshazzar hates Good and doesn’t even class Daniel with the wise men. But now he’s scarred half to death. At the queen’s suggestion Daniel is called in. Watch what happens. Daniel 5:13-17. And now comes the shocking news. Daniel 5:25-28. The king is stunned. Can you imagine the desperation! He didn’t have long to be in suspense. Daniel 5:30,31. There you have it. The two-winged lion was dead, the year was 538 B.C. Medo Persia, under Darius, had taken over right on schedule!
The bear of Daniels dream had conquered the world. How is the “beast” of Revelation 13 like Medo Persia? It was a rule with the Medo Persians that once they made a law – it stuck, and could never be reversed. The government was considered infallible. So in a parallel way the Pope’s of Rome claim infallibility! Medo Persia ruled until the empire met up with a young man whose military genius was uncanny – Alexander the Great. His wild thirst for power made him world ruler at the age of 25! It was October 1, 331 B.C. At the head of his armies Alexander met the Persian forces head on and defeated them in the battle of Arbela. His military genius made Greece to emerge as the third world empire. The leopard with four heads and four wings of Daniel’s vision had replaced the Medo Persian bear. Alexander had conquered the world. But he hadn’t conquered himself. At a drunken debauch, he drank the Herculean cup full of alcohol. It was a huge thing. The human stomach can hardly hold more than a quart. Of all horrors, he drank it twice! And it killed him. Alexander died with a raging fever at the age of 33. The year – 323 B.C. His will had declared, “let the kingdom go to the strongest.” His four generals, Cassander, Lysimachus, Seleuchus, and Ptolomy took over the empire and divided it into four parts. These divisions are represented by the four heads of the leopard beast. What about the four wings? They represent swiftness. Alexander had conquered the world in only 13 years. Such a feat has never been equaled. Before his death, Alexander had ordered the Greek cities to worship him as a god. The “beast” of Revelation 13 is “like unto a leopard” because it took the Greek culture and also has a leader that claims worship as God.
Who is this fourth terrible beast of Daniel 7? Let Daniel tell us:
After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast-terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns. Daniel 7:7
He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it. Daniel 7:23
The fourth kingdom, represented by this terrible beast is Rome. Rome conquered Greece in 168 B.C. and eventually give its power to the “beast” of Revelation 13. Out of the fourth “terrible beast” comes a “little horn” Now here’s something amazing. The beast of Revelation 13, and the “little horn” of Daniel 7, are one and the same power. God wants to make sure that there’s no mistaking who this power is and so He describes it in both prophetic books. Isn’t Bible prophecy fantastic! Lets look at the description of the “little horn.”
While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth that spoke boastfully. Daniel 7:8
The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time. Dan 7:24,25
If you compare this description of the “little horn” with the description of the “beast” of Revelation 13, you’ll see that they are one and the same power. One of the most fantastic things about this power is that it would think to “change times and laws.” Daniel 7: 25. Here’s a man that sets himself up as equal with God and dares tamper with God’s law. With blasphemous audacity he does his work. He changes the calandar, he changes the ten commandments, he changes the Lord’s supper, he changes baptism, he changes marriage etc. But God has said,
The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy. They are steadfast for ever and ever, done in faithfulness and uprightness. Psalms 111:7,8
The next clue as to who the beast is, is the time period which God gives for its reign before it receives its “deadly wound.” It would reign for 1260 years. Just so there’s no mistake on this, He repeats this period seven times in Daniel and Revelation! Now just one more clue before I tell you who the beast is. Its not only the same as the “little horn” of Daniel 7, but it’s also the same power as the “great whore” of Revelation 17:
One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits on many waters. With her the kings of the earth committed adultery and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.
Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. Revelation 17:1-3.
She’s called “THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” It’s not only a church, it’s a mother church. It’s a world power.
I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus. When I saw her, I was greatly astonished. Rev. 17:6
Oh yes, It kills the saints! I know it’s shocking, but here’s a corrupt church power that Satan has used to rip off the whole world and rob men and women of eternal life.
Now who is the “beast?” What power?
1) Received its “seat” and authority from Rome. Rev. 13:4.
2) Rules the world for 1260 years (533A.D. – 1793 A.D.)
3) Received a deadly wound which later heals. Rev. 13:3.
4) Is both a political and religious power, which is worshipped. Rev.13:4.
5) Tampered with God’s law. Daniel 7:25.
6) Has a leader who claims to be God on the earth and to be able to forgive sins (which is blasphemy). Rev. 13:1, 2 Thes. 2:4.
7) Is a mother church. Rev. 17:5.
8) Made war with the saints. Rev. 13:7.
9) Is a world power that is wondered at. Rev. 13:3,4.
10) Has “a man” at the head of it with the number of his name being 666. Rev. 13:18.
11) Has an “image” made to it. Rev. 13:14.
12) Has a dreaded “mark” which, if received, will cause a person to be cast into the lake of fire. Rev. 14:9,l0.
By now most people has guessed that it’s the Papacy. They’re correct. It’s the only power on the face of the earth that fits all of these characteristics.
1 And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.
There has never been a nation on earth except Rome that meets the requirements of this chapter. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea.
Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.” Rev 17:15
What John saw was a nation rising from a chaotic condition of many nations. It was out of this condition that the Roman power came. He had ten horns. The ten horns represent the l0 kingdoms over which she ruled:
1. German empire 6. Spain
2. Austrian Empire 7. Italy
3. Belgium 8. Switzerland
4. Holland 9. Portugal
5. France 10. Great Britain
This Beast has passed through seven heads of Government:
1. 7 Kings ruled for about 200 years
2. Consuls
3. Tribunes
4. Decemvirs
5. Dictators
6. 65 Emperors ruled in Rome for 5 centuries
7. Exarchs of Ravenna ruled for more than a century
On each head a blasphemous name. Each head claimed the power that belonged only to God.
2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
The leopard is distinguished for its bloodthirstiness and cruelty, and thus becomes an emblem of a fierce, tyrannical power.
In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream, and visions passed through his mind as he was lying on his bed. He wrote down the substance of his dream.
Daniel said: “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me were the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea. Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of the sea.
“The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a man, and the heart of a man was given to it.
“And there before me was a second beast, which looked like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up and eat your fill of flesh!’
“After that, I looked, and there before me was another beast, one that looked like a leopard. And on its back it had four wings like those of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given authority to rule.
“After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast-terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns. Dan. 7:1-7
One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. Men worshipped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshipped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?
The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. Rev 13:3-7
When the great sea of humanity was stirred we see four kingdoms brought forth. As Daniel says, they were different from each other. He therefore, uses four different animals to describe them. The first is described as a lion. The Babylonian empire at first appeared as purely animal. i.e. heathen. But after a while it is given a man’s heart, weak, timorous and faint. He was led to calm reflections and to think like a rational being. In its closing years it became weak through luxury. Babylon was referred to as a lion because he was warlike, supreme in power and dominion. A lion is distinguished for the power to keep other animals at awe. His ability to spring on his foe and severity of blow represents Babylon. Nebuchadnezza is referred to as a lion in the following passages:
A lion has come out of his lair; a destroyer of nations has set out. He has left his place to lay waste your land. Your towns will lie in ruins without inhabitant. Jer. 4:7
Israel is a scattered flock that lions have chased away. The first to devour him was the king of Assyria; the last to crush his bones was Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. Jer. 50:17
Babylon is also represented as having eagle’s wings:
Look! An eagle will soar and swoop down, spreading its wings over Bozrah. In that day the hearts of Edom’s warriors will be like the heart of a woman in labor. Jer. 49:22
Our pursuers were swifter than eagles in the sky; they chased us over the mountains and lay in wait for us in the desert. Lam. 4:19
Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: A great eagle with powerful wings, long feathers and full plumage of varied colors came to Lebanon. Taking hold of the top of a cedar.’ Eze. 17:3
Say to this rebellious house, ‘Do you not know what these things mean?’ Say to them: ‘The king of Babylon went to Jerusalem and carried off her king and her nobles, bringing them back with him to Babylon. Eze. 17:12
The second beast described by Daniel was like a bear. This beast distinguished mainly for two things, cunning and ferocity, when hungry or robbed of its whelps. Notice that it raised itself upon one side. It denotes a kingdom that had been at rest, but now rousing itself as a bear going after its prey. The kingdom signified was the MEDO-PERSIAN. The Medes rose up first. It had three ribs in its mouth. This beastly kingdom of Medo-Persia had devoured the three providence’s of Babylon, Lydia and Egypt. This beast fell in 331 B.C. at the battle of Arbella. The third beast is described as a leopard. This was the Macedonian Kingdom under the leadership of Alexander the Great. In a period of 12 years he had conquered the world. This leopard like kingdom was addicted to conquest and preyed on others. It is described as having four wings of a fowl, denoting the rapid movement of his armies. His rapid movements have no parallel in ancient times. This leopard also had four heads. When Alexander the Great died his kingdom was divided among his four generals:
SELECUS — took Syria and the East
LYSIMACHUS — took Blythnia and Thrace
PTOLEMY SOTOR — took Egypt
CASSANDER — took Macedonia
The Leopard was strong, dreadful and terrible. So was Alexander. The fourth beast is NON-DESCRIPT. It has all the characteristics of the previously mentioned animals. Whatever this beast could not devour it stamped down to the earth. It had ten horns (Rome ruled over the 10 kingdoms of Europe). Notice that all these horns appeared at the same time. They derived their power from the same source. This beast had a mouth speaking great things. Rome was a power with pride and arrogance. It is estimated that 3 million Christians perished in the first 3 centuries. The dark ages were even worse. It wore out the saints.
Daniel was troubled about this beast so he asked one that stood by the truth of all this. Dan. 7:25
Then I wanted to know the true meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all the others and most terrifying, with its iron teeth and bronze claws-the beast that crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. Dan. 7:19
He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it.’ Dan. 7:23
Now you have Daniel telling us the meaning of the fourth beast. This is the key to chapter 12 and 13 of the Revelation. Unless we go back to the seventh chapter of Daniel and understand the true meaning of the Beasts we will never understand the book of Revelation. Jesus said,
Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. Rev. 1:3
Once we unlock the secrets of the four beasts the book of Revelation begins to come clear. We again repeat that no other Nation on earth meets the description other than ROME. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. The dragon (Pagan Rome) gave him (Papal Rome) his seat (Rome) and his power (absolute rulership) and great authority. THE VATICAN OCCUPIES THE ORIGINAL GARDENS OF NERO!
3 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast.
The sixth head was wounded unto death when the old Pagan power collapsed, but the deadly wound was healed and the seventh head comes to power in the form of the Exarchs of Ravenna who will rule for more than a century.
4 Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?”
Roman Catholicism brought the idols of paganism into their church with them. It is the same beast in another form. The Roman Catholic church maintained a large Army and Navy during the dark ages and made war against the saints. There was no one big enough or strong enough to make war against Rome.
5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months.
While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth that spoke boastfully. Dan. 7:8
Then I continued to watch because of the boastful words the horn was speaking. I kept looking until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire. Dan 7:11
I also wanted to know about the ten horns on its head and about the other horn that came up, before which three of them fell–the horn that looked more imposing than the others and that had eyes and a mouth that spoke boastfully. Dan 7:20
He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time. Dan 7:25
By the arrogant claims of authority the NAME OF GOD was blasphemed, for only GOD has such power as the beast presumed to exercise. The tabernacle of God refers to the true worship. She took the wine from the laity in 1414. Lets look at the claims of the Pope’s and see if they are blasphemous.
1. He claims to be head of the church. How can this be in the light of Scripture:
And he (Christ) is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. Col 1:18
What blasphemy for any mortal man to claim what belongs only to God.
2. The Pope claims that he is the Judge of the Living and the Dead. (Cath. Ency. XV. page 126). This is some more of his blasphemy. The Scriptures teach just the opposite.
In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: 2 Tim. 4:1
3. Authority above all and subject to none. (Pius VI Ency. 65.) Some more of their great swelling words. Doesn’t sound like the teachings of the Bible.
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Romans 13:1
4. “We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.” (Leo. XIII Ency, 304). You can’t find a more blasphemous statement than that. No wonder God calls her MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Rev. 17:5
5. The Vicar of Christ. (Cath. Dic. 258). The Pope has this inscription on his crown VICARIVS FILII DEI. Translated this means Vicar of Son of God. It is interesting to learn that when we add up the numerical values of this inscription we have
2 V’s = 10
6 I’s = 6
1 L = 50
1 C = 100
+ 1 D = 500
6 He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven.
The Pope is as it were God on earth, sole sovereign of the faithful of Christ, chief of kings, having plenitude of power, to whom has been intrusted by the omnipotent God direction not only of the earthly but also of the heavenly kingdom. The Pope is of so great authority and power that he can modify, explain, or interpret even divine laws. (Luclus Ferraris Vol 6 p.26)
I offer the following quotes from official Catholic books to prove that she fulfills that which was spoken by Paul:
He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. II Thess. 2:4
He is the keeper of the keys, the judge of the living and the dead, and sits on the throne of justice, with power to extirpate all iniquity, He is the head of the church, which is one and stainless, and not a many-headed monster, and has full divine authority to pluck out and tear down, to build up and plant. Let not the king imagine that he has no superior, is not subject to the highest authority in the church. (Catholic Ency. II p 666)
Now, therefore, we declare, say, determine and pronounce that for every human creature it is necessary for salvation to be subject to the authority of the Roman Pontiff. (Cath. Ency. XV p 126)
Pope Pius XI said in his Encyclical, Light of Truth, “the Roman Pontiff has from on high an authority which is supreme, above all others and subject to none” (page 5).
Pope Leo XIII said: “We (the pope) hold upon this earth the place of God almighty.” (Great Encyclical Letters, 304).
Hear Pope Leo XIII again: “But the supreme teacher in the church is the Roman Pontiff. Union of minds, therefore, requires together with a perfect accord in the one faith, complete submission and obedience of will to the church and to the Roman Pontiff as to God Himself.” (Great Encyclical Letters of Leo XIII, p. 193)
Wherefore resting on plain testimonies of the Sacred Writings, and adhering to the plain and express decrees, both of our predecessors, the Roman Pontiffs, and of the General Councils, we renew the definition of the Ecumenical Council of Florence (1439 A.D.), in virtue of which all the faithful of Christ must believe that the Holy Apostolic See and the Roman Pontiff possesses the primacy over the whole world, and that the Roman Pontiff is the successor of the Blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles, and is true Vicar of Christ, and the head of the whole church, and the Father and teacher of all Christians; and that full power was given to him in Blessed Peter to rule, feed, and govern the Universal Church by Jesus Christ Our Lord, as is contained in the Acts of the General Councils, and in the Sacred Canons. Hence we teach and declare that by the appointment of Our Lord, the Roman Pontiff possesses a superiority of ordinary power over all other churches, and that this power of jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff, which is truly Episcopal, is immediate; to which all, of whatever rite of dignity, both pastors and faithful, both individually and collectively, are bound by their duty of hierarchical subordination, and true obedience, to submit not only in matters which belong to faith and morals, but also in those that pertain to the discipline and government throughout the world, so that the Church of Christ may be one flock, under the one supreme pastor, through the preservation of unity both of communion and profession of the same faith with the Roman Pontiff. This is the teaching of Catholic truth from which no one can deviate without loss of faith and of salvation. (Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent, p.159,160; Also in Teachings of the Catholic Church, p. 143,144).
There is nothing strange in attributing to the Roman Pontiff, as the Vicar of Him whose is the earth and the fullness thereof, the world and all that dwell therein, the fullest authority to lay bare, a just cause moving him, not only the spiritual but also the material sword, and so to transfer sovereignties, break scepters and remove crowns. (Catholic Dictionary, p 258)
Let’s look at the lives of these infallible Pope’s.
· Gregory XIII, an adulterer, with an illegitimate son (Catholic Ency. VII, p.2,3. Von Ranke’s History of the Popes, I, p.290).
· Sergius III was father of John XI by Morozia, one of the worst women in history (Cath. Ency., VIII, p 426), and was so callous toward God’s laws concerning marriage, that he declared valid the fourth marriage of Leo VI, Greek Emperor (Cath. Ency. XIII, p 729; IX 159).
· John X (914-928), who was made archbishop when he was five years old (Cath. Ency., VIII, 425), was made Pope by his paramour, Theodora, daughter of Morozia (Cath. Ency., VIII, 425)
· John XI (931-936), son of Sergius III and Morozia, was made pope by his mother at twenty years of age (De Montor, I 247; Cath. Ency., VIII, p 426).
· John XII (955-964). He is described by Catholic Encyclopedia as “A course, immoral man whose life was such that the Lateran was spoken of as a brothel.” He was stricken with paralysis in the act of adultery (Cath. Ency., VIII, 426).
· John XVII (l003). This man had three sons (Cath. Ency., VIII, p 429).
· John XVIII (l003-1009). This man was the son of a priest and died a monk (Cath. Ency., VIII, p 429)
· Benedict IX (l032-1049). Benedict IX was the nephew of two preceding Popes and one succeeding one, and was made pope at 12 years of age. Catholic Encyclopedia describes him thus: “He was a disgrace to the chair of Peter,” was of “Dissolute life” (IV, 17; II, p. 429). He is also said to be a “youthful libertine” (IV 791), and was made Pope by force (II, p 428). but renounced the Popedom, selling out to his uncle, who became Gregory VI, because he expected to marry. Failing in this endeavor he again became a contender for the Popedom. So Benedict IX, Gregory VI, and Sylvester III all claimed to be Popes at the same time. All three were deposed and Clement II made Pope, so there were now four Popes! (Council Vienna 1311).
· John XXIII (l410-1415). “At the same time he was utterly worldly minded, ambitious, crafty, unscrupulous and immoral, a good soldier, but no churchman” (Cath. Ency., VIII, p. 434). Everything but a Christian!
· Innocent VIII (1484-1492). Innocent had illegitimate children, seven, or eight sons by different women, Romans gave him the name “Father.” He sold Catholic offices to the highest bidders. (Cath Ency., VIII, p 19,20 D’Aubigne p 372).
· Alexander VI (1492-1503). Catholic Encyclopedia classes him as the worst Pope. He had eight illegitimate children by different women (VI, p 213) four infamous ones by one woman. These were brought to Rome with him when he became Pope. His son, Ceazar Borgia, one of the worst men in history, was made archbishop when 18 years old, then Cardinal at 19! Alexander’s daughter, Lucretia Borgia’s wedding was one of the highlights of the social life of Rome. Alexander bought the Popedom and there was general rejoicing in Rome when he became Pope! This shows the gross immorality of the whole Roman Catholic Church.
· Julius II (l503-1513). This wicked man had three illegitimate daughters and bribed the Cardinals for the office (Cath. Ency., VIII, p 562).
The list is endless. These are the kind of infallible men that the beast has had at her head. These Popes were adulterous as confessed by their own Encyclopedia. But according to their own definition of morals there was nothing wrong with that type of behavior. The priest does not break his vow of “chastity” by adultery!
All celibates are not chaste: celibacy is not necessarily chastity; by a large majority. Unless something other than selfishness suggests this choice of life, the word is apt to be a misnomer for profligacy. And one who takes the vow of celibacy does not break it by sinning against the sixth commandment, he is true to it until he weds. (Explanation of Catholic Morals p. 149)
7 He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.
I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus. When I saw her, I was greatly astonished. Rev. 17:6
Rome’s long history was marked with the shedding of the blood of saints. Can anyone doubt that this belongs to the Popes? In 1208 Pope Innocent III wared against the Waldines and Albigines, in which one million perished. From the beginning of the Jesuits 1540-1580 nine hundred thousand were destroyed. One hundred fifty thousand perished by the inquisition in thirty years. In the low lands fifty thousand persons were hanged, beheaded, burned alive or buried alive for the crime of heresy (Christianity). Within 38 years from the edict of Charles V eighteen thousand were executed. The Popes tried to put down the reformation in Germany and Switzerland. The slightest acquaintance of the history of the Popes will convince us that this verse refers to them. The historian W.E.H. Lecky says, “The church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution that ever existed among mankind, will be questioned by no protestant who has a complete knowledge of history.” Some historians have estimated that the persecuting hands of Rome have been reddened by the blood of fifty million saints. I doubt that anyone can come close to the exact number.
In Revelation she is known as Babylon the Great, or better known to us as Union of Church and State. The church was driven into the wilderness for 1260 long years. During this long dark period of history she dealt with a high hand. During this time she made and unmade kings. She changed the laws respecting the Lord’s supper, set up images,enacted celibacy of the clergy. In 1075 Gregory VII declared all clerical marriages invalid. This was the greatest mass divorce in history. She changed the l0 commandments. In general she claims absolute control of all religion. She not only made war against the saints but she overcame them. She ruled world wide over all. Daniel saw the same thing happening in Daniel 7:25.
8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast–all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.
They call him Holy Father, Lord God the Pope. They bow with reverence and kiss his foot.
Kissing of the Popes foot characteristic act of reverence by which all the faithful do honor him as the vicar of Christ is found as early as the 8th century. (Cach. Ency. XII, p. 270)
John the Revelator attempted to worship an angel but was forbidden to do so:
I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me. But he said to me, “Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets and of all who keep the words of this book. Worship God!” Rev. 22:8,9
Crowds throng to see the pope. Every picture on TV shows multitudes gathered.
9 He who has an ear, let him hear.
We should be willing to be instructed and give heed to what is said about the beast.
10 If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed [ Some manuscripts anyone kills ] with the sword, with the sword he will be killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.
Jesus wants us to know that the beast which has been killing with the sword must be killed with the sword. That she had led others into captivity and now she must go into captivity. She must pay for her crimes is a foregone conclusion.
“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” Matt. 26:52
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Gal. 6:7
Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man. Gen. 9:6
In chapter eighteen and nineteen we will see detailed the retribution.
11 Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon.
The first beast (Imperial Rome) came up out of the sea of humanity. The second beast (Papal Rome) came up out of the earth (World of religion). The next time you look at the Pope’s crown observe that it has a sword (Power over the temporal empire) and keys (Power over the spiritual dominion).
12 He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.
He not only enjoys the same power as the first, but exercises it in the same place. Cf Verse 2 The dragon (Imperial Rome) gave the beast (Papal Rome) his power (Sword) and his throne (Rome) and great authority. (Of the Caesars). (Parentheses mine.)
Made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast. Lets take a look at old Rome and compare it with new Rome and you will see that Catholics worship the Pagan system.
Pontifex Maximus……………… Supreme Pontiff
Purgatory………………………… Purgatory
Priests and Priestesses…………… Priest and Nuns
Victims…………………………… Victims
Hosts………………………………. Hosts
Lustral Water…………………….. Holy Water
Vestal Virgins………………………… Nuns
Pantheon………………………….. Vatican
Worshiped dead heros……… Worshiped Dead Saints
Goddesses……………………….. Lordesses
Demi-God’s ………………………… Angels
They brought paganism into their churches.
13 And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men.
The beast still seems to counterfeit the power of God. Rome has claimed the possession of miraculous power in all ages, and no fact of history is better established than that she has resorted to lying miracles. The Breviary teems with examples of miracles wrought by the saints. For instance:
St. Francis Xavier turned a sufficient quantity of salt water into fresh to save the lives of five hundred travellers who were dying of thirst, enough being left to allow a large exportation to different parts of the world, where it wrought astonishing cures.
St. Raymond De Pennafort laid his cloak on the sea, and sailed from Majorca to Barcelona, a distance of a hundred and sixty miles, in six hours.
St. Juliana lay on her death bed; her stomach rejected all solid food, and in consequence she was prevented from receiving the Eucharist. In compliance with her earnest solicitations, the consecrated wafer was laid on her breast; the priest prayed; the wafer vanished, and Juliana expired.
Many pages might be filled with accounts of modern miracles of the most ridiculous description, yet believed by Roman Catholics—the undoubted means by which Papal Rome “deceives the world,” and keeps up its ascendancy in this age. (Barnes) The Word of God tells us that we can expect such counterfeit power:
The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. 2 Thess. 2:9-12
14 Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
See comments on verse 13. As you travel and visit their Cathredials you will see images of saints. These idols are the same as old imperial rome had.
15 He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.
The image of the beast is the revival of Imperial Rome, which was wounded unto death but revived under the influence of the papacy. It was overrun by barbarians and was revived. In the time of Charlemagne a coin was struck bearing this inscription “REVIVAL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE.” …all who refused to worship the image to be killed. Those who would not honor it or acknowledge its authority. This law had death, banishment, and confiscation of property or a universal boycott to enforce it.
This living image, endowed with life by the second beast, had power to speak and slay those who would not do it homage. There can be no doubt as to what this means, nor as to the facts of history. The dragonnades of southern France, the relentless wars waged upon the Huguenots, the 18,000 victims of the inquisition in Holland, the cruel wars of Alva for the extermination of the Protestants, the persecution conducted by Bloody Mary in England, all demonstrate how those were put to death who would not worship the image of the beast. The Pope has demanded implicit obedience to his temporal as well as spiritual demands, and in the days of his power, those who refused him homage, brought down the terrors of both temporal and eternal ruin. (Johnson)
16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead,
Jesus said that He would write upon Christians at Philadelphia His new name. The beast is trying to imitate this. When a person becomes a Roman Catholic he receives this mark. “The Bishop…anoints the forehead with Holy Chrism in the form of a cross” Connell’s Catacism #3 p.144 ART 332 “Confirmation is a spiritual and indelible sign which Marks the Christian as a soldier in the army of Christ. ” ART 339. They make this same sign with the right hand. It is remarkable, however, that a mark on the forehead converts a person into a Roman Catholic, and without this mark none are regarded heirs of salvation. If the little infant should die without this mark it has no chance of salvation, but if the priest makes upon its forehead the sign of the cross with water, it is safe forever. Jesuit priests upon fields of battle have gone around among wounded and dying savages who had never heard of Christ, and made this sign, the mark of the beast, upon their foreheads of the dying pagans and thus converted them into good Catholics and heirs of eternal bliss.
In all our travels and movements, in all our coming in and going out, in putting on our clothes and shoes, at the bath, at the table, in lighting our lamps, in lying down, whatever employment occupies us, we mark our forehead with the sign of the cross. (The Question Box)
In 1191 Pope Celestin III sanctioned the use of ashes on Ash Wednesday. The present custom in the Roman Catholic Church is to take the ashes, made by burning the palms or their substitutes used in the ceremonial of the previous Palm Sunday, and after a prayer the priest, dipping his thumb in the ashes, marks those present, as they kneel, with the sign of the cross on the forehead. Americana Ency. Vol. 2 P. 383.
17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Those who would not acknowledge her authority must face death, banishment, and confiscation of property. Pope Alexander III commanded, “no man should entertain or cherish them in his house or land, or traffic with them.” Pope Alexander and Pope Martin passed a law that they were not to exercise commerce with them in buying and selling. In Spain today one must be a Roman Catholic to hold public office or teach school.
18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.
NO NUMBER CAN BE CORRECT UNLESS IT APPLY EQUALLY TO THE MAN AND THE KINGDOM. The first beast, or Pagan Rome, was seen coming up out of the sea. The second beast, or Papal Rome came up out of the earth. This second beast was lamb-like in outward appearance (Professedly Christian), but “he spoke as a dragon” (his teaching had every mark of the working of Satan.) This second beast obliged the entire world to bow to his religion, or be killed; only those lived (were honored and unmolested) who had the “mark” of Catholic affiliation prominent in his life and religion. This beast, says John, bears a distinct name, and his name (identity has a “number” that totals “666” This “number” is the number to two objects; one is “a man,” and the other, “the kingdom” which he heads; and both the man and the kingdom, are observed bearing the same number—the number 666. It is clear, then that no number can be the correct one, unless it apply equally to the man and to the kingdom he rules. Keep this in mind. Greek letters stood for numerals; as “a” = l, “b” = 2, etc. There are two, and only two, names (one of the kingdoms, the other of the man who headed the kingdom) that does or can form the numerals 666. The man comes first in signifying this number, then the kingdom over which he was head. I therefore present the number of the man first. This number identifies the Pope as the Head of the Catholic Church, by naming the founder of the Latin Empire: each Head was also a founder, since there could have been neither a kingdom nor a church without a founder of the former. The founder of the Latin Kingdom was Lateinos, the letters of whose name make exactly the 666. Here they are in their true numerical value:
LATEINOS (Founder of the Latins)
L 30
A 1
T 300
E 5
I 10
N 50
O 70
+ S 200
Total 666
There we have the name of the man who originated the Kingdom of the beast, whose “authority” was exercised by the second beast, Papal Rome. (Rev. 13:11,12). This man, Lateinos, stood at the head of both kingdoms—Pagan Rome and Papal Rome, since it was the “authority” of the beast of the former that was “exercised” by the beast of the latter.
In 1837 Alexander Campbell debated the Catholic Church in Music Hall Cincinnati Ohio. The proposition was: SHE IS THE BABYLON OF JOHN, THE MAN OF SIN OF PAUL AND THE YOUNGEST HORN OF DANIEL’S SEA MONSTER. The man who heads this kingdom wears a crown on his head with this inscription: Vicarvius Felii Dei (Vicar of The Son of God). Now add up the roman numerals of this inscription and you will have the sum total of 666. How can anyone doubt that this prophecy does not belong to the kingdom of imperial Rome and Papal Rome.